Hello Friends and Neighbors!

Thanks for stopping by...

Exciting things are on the horizon!!  I've been in the studio with my good friends BRADLEY KOPP and CHRIS GAGE!  We've got 5 songs in the can and 6 more in progress. The plan is to drop a new song every month so be watching for the announcements!

In the meantime, check out this video my long time pal and uber talented GLENN JOHNSON did for the first single HUMANKIND!  If the song resonates for you, please share!

Check the calendar page as I've got a growing schedule.  In addition to my expanding performing schedule, I'm continuing my monthly  second Wednesday residency at New World Deli and always have some special guests joining me. 

I have been very fortunate in that I've been able to travel for fun and fulfillment lately.  The world is a wonderful teacher and I've been going to class.  As different as each individual is, we are smiles, tears, laughs, loves, hurts and healings.  Every. One. Of. Us. It certainly occurs to me how important everyone of us truly is.  So, be very good to yourself...you're important!


